Thursday, December 10, 2015

12 Days of Christmas Book Blitz: Day One - Echo of Her Presence, by Alaina Stanford

On the first day of Christmas, an author gave to me...

Echo Of Her Presence by Alaina Stanford

I have one of those brains that won't turn off at night. Many nights I would distract my intellect by revamping a movie, book or TV show in my mind. I would twist and turn the plots and characters to achieve the ending I preferred. That developed into side stories about my favorite minor characters. Each night I fell asleep in the middle of a grand adventure. It wasn't long before I began to create stories of my own and put pen to paper.
I love a good adventure. I love a good romance. As the mother of seven children, I also learned to love to play video games. One day it occurred to me to write an adventure that flowed like a video game and I added a touch of romance. Thus, Hypnotic Journey was born. The HJ characters are like a family to me. They are foolish, daring, resourceful, passionate and dedicated to their friends.
My love for Science Fiction gave birth to the Treborel Series. It’s a paranormal Sci-Fi romance featuring a psychotic villain and a multiple layer
of hero's fighting to survive the chaos.
I write about how friendship and love can carry you through situations that you might not otherwise survive. You will find my stories exciting and steamy, but I am not an erotic writer. My stories fade to dark when the steam begins to rise, but take it from me, the steam does rise and emotions do soar.

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Ariel carried the ultimate burden of failure on her shoulders. She'd fallen victim to the oldest trick in the book. Angel's aren't supposed to fail, angels aren't suppose to fall in love. Her failure concerned both. In her moment of weakness she had not only failed mankind, she had failed God. Now her heart was an island of ice encased behind a steel barrier no one could penetrate. Not even her divine partner Met.

Ariel's heart was locked away forever. Then she gazed into the steely gray eyes of a stubborn Texas rancher. 

Get your copy today!
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 Snippet Time!

“What the hell are you doing out here?” A deep voice with a Texas twang said from behind her.
Her eyes flashed with annoyance as she turned to find a man in a cowboy hat with a scruffy beard sitting on a horse staring down at her with steely gray eyes. “I’m minding my own business doing nothing that should concern you,” She squinted at him in the harsh daylight.
“You got a death wish?” He snapped and glanced around, “Where’s your man? Sleeping one off in his air conditioned dune buggy while you try to get some warped version of a California tan?”
Ariel sighed and glared at him. He was one of those archaic cowboy types who chewed tobacco and slept under his horse. “Relax Haas, I’m just doing my job. So why don’t you get on with yours. I wouldn’t want to keep you from burning the flesh off a cow or shooting at something.”
He turned back to gaze at her. His eyes narrowed suspiciously then he chuckled. “You’re a cocky minx, but those pretty brown eyes aren’t going to stop a wild hog from ripping your head off. This country is full of them you know.”
“How fascinating,” She muttered. She turned and began following the dry stream bed hoping he’d ride off.
“Look lady,” He called moving his horse toward her, “You don’t seem to understand. We are in the middle of a drought, you don’t appear to have any water on you and that stream bed you’re following isn’t going to lead you to any. Now I’m not partial to riding double, it’s hard on the horse, but I don’t see any option at this point. So give me your hand and I’ll pull you up.”
She stopped and turned to stare at him. The fight had gone out of his face, replaced with a sincerity she couldn’t ignore, but somehow found annoying. “So let me get this straight. You want to be my knight in shining armor and save me from certain death?”
He smiled. He had a nice smile full of perfect white teeth. He pulled off his hat and smoothed back his thick brown hair. Ariel’s attention was drawn to his bicepts. They were the size of a mountain. “Lady, I don’t know how you got out here or what you think you’re doing. Frankly, I don’t care. But I’m not leaving any woman, crazy or not, in the middle of the range with no horse and no water. Now I’d like to get out of this heat. Contrary to what you may believe Texans are tough, but we are human. I’ve got some water in my saddle bag which I am happy to share. It’s a bit of a ride back to the stables. So if you want to climb up on my horse voluntarily that’s great. I’d prefer it.” His smile vanished, “However, if you are going to stand there arguing with me like an empty headed princess and I have to get off of my horse to fetch your skinny ass…”
“Are you threatening me?” Ariel locked eyes with him. Her hands went to her hips.
He sighed and said quietly, “Yes, I guess I am. Ma’am, I’m not leaving you behind.” His eyes softened and their color deepened to warm cobalt blue, “You’ll die.”

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